I have played with Phaser.io in a small project a lot of time ago and then nothing else. Now I am starting a new big project and it’s like if I was starting from scratch. Anyway I am starting fresh with a few quick tests and am doing well but I just realized a small issue with the mouse area of a PNG sprite.
The problem is that the mouse area is off of the actual image. Also it behaves different in animated and in static sprite, but in both cases it’s off. It has some transparent areas. I would put a complete sample online but I don’t know of no one fiddle space where I could put JS and images.
Anyway the code is fairy simple and I am sure that the problem is not in it:
const spCreep = this.add.sprite(200, 200,'Creep').setInteractive();
spCreep.on('pointerover', function (pointer) {
spCreep.on('pointerout', function (pointer) {
Any idea?