I am beginning research to see what best approaches to take on a new project. I have a game I began working on in Monogame (C#) but I’d like to move to Phaser3.
I know I’ll need to use MatterJS for the more advanced physics that I need to do. However, I’m not sure how best to start on what I need.
I want to build ships using many multiple tiles made of individual sprites. Each of these tiles need to have collision enabled so that incoming damage is applied to one or more tiles as needed. Also, crew characters need to be able to move inside the ship so there would need to be differing types of collision. Basically all tiles able to be hit by projectiles but only walls able to block crew so they can move on the floor tiles, etc.
Here’s a video from the monogame version I started on showing the tiled ships and damage.
I think a container with all the needed sprites for a ship would be the easiest approach for movement and such for the ship as a whole. But I don’t know how or even if that would work for individual tile collision and internal crew movement.
Matter compound bodies would work for individual tile collisions but can sprites be applied to each body in a compound body?
Any other methods that might work?
Is this idea even possible in phaser?