Object moves from position set in create scene?

I set the player’s body position in the create() method to specific X/Y point. However, when the screen finally renders the player has moved to some arbitrary point in the canvas (although it’s always the same arbitrary start point each time).

I tried adding a bIsFirstUpdate flag and then in the update() method set the player’s body position there (player.body.position.x = desiredX, player.body.position.desired.y = Y). I then traced the code and I do see the player’s body position XY properties change to the desired XY values after I set them. But an instant later when the canvas fully renders it’s back in that same damn arbitrary spot far away from the XY location I set. I feel like I’m in a tug-of-war with the physics engine. Everything else works fine and I can move the player object around normally, it’s just getting the object to “sit still” at start up that’s driving me crazy.

Does anyone know what is causing the object to move from its explicitly set position?

I now set BOTH the body and sprite position to the same location instead of just one or the other and the object (player) shows up where I expect it to be instead of jumping around.:

    player.body.position.x = playerStartPoint.x;
    player.body.position.y = playerStartPoint.y;
    player.setPosition(player.body.position.x, player.body.position.y);