Phaser 3.15.1 Sprite flashing when collision occurs

I want to create a reddening of the screen in a collision with an enemy, but for some reason my code does not work.

this.physics.add.overlap(this.player, this.enemies, this.playerDamage, null, this); 

//callback overlap
let overlapPlayer = false;
let lastDamageTime = 0;
gameScene.playerDamage = function(player, enemy) {
//here I set the delay on damage
    if ( > lastDamageTime) {
            overlapPlayer = true;
            lastDamageTime = + 10;
//here I was just trying to create the appearance and attenuation along the edges around the edges
            if (overlapPlayer == true) {
                targets: this.damageFrame,
                alpha: 1,
                ease: 'Linear',
                duration: 100,
                repeat: 0
            overlapPlayer = false;
return this.hideDamageFrame();

gameScene.hideDamageFrame = function() {
    if (overlapPlayer == false) {
                targets: this.damageFrame,
                alpha: 0,
                ease: 'Linear',
                duration: 100,
                repeat: 0