Phaser 3.60 Tiled tilemap issue

Hi folks, first time poster. I have a simple Tiled tilemap that has a tileset with 2 images. I can set the tiles and load the tilemap just fine in Phaser. However, when I attempt to set a tile programmatically, I get the following error:

 Phaser v3.60.0 (WebGL | Web Audio)

phaser.min.js:1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘tileWidth’)
at t.exports [as PutTileAt] (phaser.min.js:1:1076818)

I am using extremely simple code, I just grabbed an existing tile (I confirmed that the tile is non-null and set in the tilemap) and tried to set the same tile back in its place: = this.make.tilemap({ key: 'map'});
    const tileset ='tiles', 'map-tiles');
    this.layer ="Tile Layer 1", tileset, 105, 160).setScale(1.6); 
    let tile =,1);, 3, 1, false, "Tile Layer 1");  <--- ERROR

I’ve also tried using just the tile index instead of the whole object, that does not work either.

I also notice that the example on Phaser’s own website that shows this functionality, gets the same error.\paint%20tiles.js

Any help would be appreciated.


If you make a copy of phaser.js you can fix this. The corrected function is in