PHASER 3> BALL and PUCK> Simple collision arcade mode> not working


I try to make a simple collision between a puck and a ball, with arcade engine,
but nothing happens.

here my simple code :slight_smile:

var config = {
	type: Phaser.AUTO,
	backgroundColor: '#000000',
	width: 400,
	height: 650,
	physics: {
		default: 'arcade',
		arcade: {
			debug: true,
			gravity: {
				x: 0,
				y: 0
	scene: {
		init: init,
		create: create,
		update: update,

var game = new Phaser.Game(config);
var ball;
var player2;

function init(){}

function create()
	// ball
	ball =, 100, 10, 0xffffff);
	// player 2
	player2 =, 150, 20, 0x840707).setStrokeStyle(10, 0xF30D0D);
	this.input.on('drag', function (pointer, gameObject, dragX, dragY) {
		gameObject.x = dragX;
		gameObject.y = dragY;
	// add physics
	this.physics.add.existing(ball, false);
	this.physics.add.existing(player2, false);
	this.physics.add.collider(ball, player2);

function update()



Generally, bodies need velocity for collisions to work correctly.