Phaser 3 Mobile Performance ( IOS / Android )


Thanks for the awesome framework, but have some questions regarding the performance of Phaser 3 in mobile.

  1. I’m interested in making games for mobile, but I’ve noticed that performance is not good, for mobile. Currently, I’m using Unity, but would like to use Phaser 3, since Unity in my opinion is just too bloated for 2D Games, but what concerns me about Phaser 3 is the mobile performance. Does performance depend on programming skills, or just the hardware of the user. Some users have reported FPS in the range of 7-10?

  2. I went to Cocoon, and it looks like they are closing down. With this said, what are other options do I have ( Capacitor, Cordova, ??? )

  3. Correct me if I’m wrong, but most the games use WebKit for IOS, so it’s like embedded within the user’s browser? Will game performance depend on users update of the browser, or WebKit will take care of that.

Please, the above are newbie questions, would appreciate feedback. Thanks and God Bless…



1: In my experience the skills matter in some cases. I once made a game, which had a game world of about 20’000px with one big masked tilemap for the ground. It worked with about 20fps on a Nexus5. One I split them programmatically into pieces of max 1000x1000px and enabled rendering dynamically for each visible/hidden piece, it run with 60fps.

But smaller and simpler games should work just well without optimization.

2/3: I think this link helps you.

I believe Phaser 3 is the easiest and best way to make 2d games for mobile.

Hey @yannick (or anyone in the know): would you be able to point me in the right direction for dynamic tilemap rendering?

I’ve got a tilemap that’s starting to lag out. Admittedly I’ve got 2 layers of parallax on the go which I know is a big drain. But if I can find a way to get the performance up without sacrificing too much of the visuals I’d be stoked.
