I’m finding a strange occurrence about the positioning of TileSprite object in phaser 3 typescript. So, I have a group and pool of platform tilesprites:
// group with all active platforms.
this.platformGroup = this.add.group({
// once a platform is removed, it's added to the pool
removeCallback: function (platform) {
// platform pool
this.platformPool = this.add.group({
// once a platform is removed from the pool, it's added to the active platforms group
removeCallback: function (platform) {
The problem code lies here:
// Using platform from platform pool
platform = this.platformPool.getFirst();
platform.x = posX;
platform.y = posY;
platform.displayWidth = platformWidth;
platform.tileScaleX = 1 / platform.scaleX;
platform.active = true;
platform.visible = true;
// Adding new platform
platform = this.add.tileSprite(
32, // platform size
Phaser.Math.Between(gameOptions.platformSpeedRange[0], gameOptions.platformSpeedRange[1]) * -1
Strangely they result in something like this:
The platform on top (from adding new platform code) is how I want it to be. Whenever it tries to reuse platforms from the pool and modify its x and y, it always results as slightly off in positioning like the picture above, even though posX and posY is exactly the same ! I’m at my wits end on why this is happening…
One other strange thing: The code works fine in javascript but when I try to convert it into typescript, it became like this! “Converting” as in adding types to every class members and casting things (game.config settings) to number as needed. I wonder why ???
The code was taken from the tutorial: https://www.emanueleferonato.com/2019/01/23/html5-endless-runner-built-with-phaser-and-arcade-physics-step-5-adding-deadly-fire-being-kind-with-players-by-setting-its-body-smaller-than-the-image/