Hope this is the correct space for the IDE, Phaser Editor (3.3.32).
Running the example project ‘Volcano’ in the IDE, the browser shows only a black screen. Also happens with the internal browser via F10.
Any help?
Hope this is the correct space for the IDE, Phaser Editor (3.3.32).
Running the example project ‘Volcano’ in the IDE, the browser shows only a black screen. Also happens with the internal browser via F10.
Any help?
@flatchat check the console for error also share the link for example project.
@nish_mishra The Volcano starter project can be downloaded at https://ww.phasereditor2d.com/start/
Console in Chrome (does Phaser Editor have a console, if so how do you access it?):
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
game.js:27 Uncaught ReferenceError: Phaser is not defined
at game.js:27:20
game.js:3 Uncaught ReferenceError: Phaser is not defined
at game.js:3:16
Not good for a ‘starter’ project…
OK, the answer is that that project uses TypeScript and needs npn installed and to build the project. It’s a level of complexity I just don’t want to entertain at the moment…
Hi @flatchat!
Yes, there are a few starters there, some made with plain JS, with TS, and with webpack.
For plain JavaScript you can try with “Basic JavaScript” and “Sunny Land”.
If you have any issue, you can join our discord server: Phaser Editor 2D