Phaser raycast plugin tile help

I’m trying to use the raycast plugin:

I want to make ALL tiles in a layer tested but the list is too long to list them all in an array:

this is my wall layer, all tile in this should be tested by the ray

const worldLayer = map.createLayer('Walls', tileset, 0, 0)

in this section to define test objects:

this.raycaster.mapGameObjects(this.tilemap, false, {
  collisionTiles: [1,2,3] //array of tiles types which can collide with ray

is there a way to not list all tiles in ‘collisionTiles’ and put ‘all’ or ‘non empty’ or !=0 ?


const worldLayer = map.createLayer('Walls', tileset, 0, 0)


this.raycaster.mapGameObjects(this.tilemap, false, {
  collisionTiles: worldLayer.layer.collideIndexes


to the list of my floor tiles and worked

Thanks so much!

I had been using:
collides: true
and I wonder why
console.log( worldLayer.layer.collideIndexes) returns empty array