Phaser Resize issue?

so i’m trying to resize my game with scale manager to take up all of the screen all the time even when resized, problem is when i resize, i get black borders. and no before asked, i do NOT have any css & / or javascript resizing.

How do I fix Scale Manager to STOP doing THIS when resized :

& START doing THIS when resized :


This is what I have in my config :

this.__PHASER_TYPE = ( Phaser.AUTO ); // Default :: { Phaser.AUTO } // Sets Phaser's type
this.__PHASER_PARENT = ( 'game-container' );
this.__PHASER_SCALE_MODE = ( Phaser.Scale.FIT ); // Default :: { Phaser.NONE }
this.__config = {
    scale : {

        mode : this.__PHASER_SCALE_MODE, 
        autoCenter : this.__PHASER_SCALE_AUTOCENTER, 


Here is a video of what happens when I try to scale the console window using PHASER.SCALE.RESIZE instead of PHASER.SCALE.FIT :

Here is the new config :

this.__PHASER_TYPE = ( Phaser.AUTO ); // Default :: { Phaser.AUTO } // Sets Phaser's type
this.__PHASER_PARENT = ( 'game-container' );
this.__PHASER_SCALE_MODE = ( Phaser.Scale.RESIZE ); // Default :: { Phaser.NONE }
this.__config = {
    scale : {

        mode : this.__PHASER_SCALE_MODE, 
        autoCenter : this.__PHASER_SCALE_AUTOCENTER, 


Any help as always, is GREATLY appreciated! :slight_smile:

That’s correct for FIT. It sounds like you want to use RESIZE instead of FIT.

Is the problem with RESIZE that the game content wiggles around during resizing? You can try removing scale.autoCenter.

@samme : yes