Phaser3 game example using scenes, a preloader and a loading bar

I’ve created a Phaser3 game template example, it’s available on GitHub here:

GitHub: github page for Phaser3-example-game
Play demo: Phaser3 example game

This is a Phaser v3 example game template, it’s intended to show the structure of a typical Phaser3 game and using some of the key features of Phaser. It shows how to use separate scenes, a simple but effective loading bar, sprite atlas loading, sprite animation, custom sprite class, buttons similar to Phaser v2 and more. It’s a bare minimum game, a sort of starting point. I hope it’s useful for someone who is starting out with Phaser development.

Have fun with it let me know if you have any improvements.

(Btw bit of a repost but just wanted to post it on the new forum too)


Thanks for sharing this. Looks nice and clean - and well commented.

One small idea for improvement is to include preloading of a larger background music file, including the audio decoding step, which a few of us seem to have trouble including seamlessly in a preloader so the music is 100% ready to play when the gameplay begins.