hi all,
i’ve used the Phaser 3 Webpack Project Template to set a my game, and am trying to get matter physics set up with the PhaserMatterCollisionPlugin, but on compile I get the following error message:`
config.js:1 Uncaught Error: Module parse failed: Unexpected token (24:1)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
| ]
| }
| };
at eval (config.js:1)
at Object…/src/config/config.js (project.bundle.js:13084)
at webpack_require (project.bundle.js:20)
at eval (index.js:5)
at Object…/src/index.js (project.bundle.js:13096)
at webpack_require (project.bundle.js:20)
at eval (webpack:///multi_(:8000/webpack)-dev-server/client?:2:18)
at Object.0 (project.bundle.js:13239)
at webpack_require (project.bundle.js:20)
at project.bundle.js:69
i’ve installed the plugin via npm, as per the online instructions, and this is my config.js
import ‘phaser’;
// import PhaserMatterCollisionPlugin from ‘…/phaser-matter-collision-plugin.js’;
export default {
type: Phaser.AUTO,
parent: ‘phaser-example’,
width: 800,
height: 600,
physics: {
physics: {
default: “matter”
// Install the scene plugin
plugins: {
scene: [
plugin: PhaserMatterCollisionPlugin, // The plugin class
key: “matterCollision”, // Where to store in Scene.Systems, e.g. scene.sys.matterCollision
mapping: “matterCollision” // Where to store in the Scene, e.g. scene.matterCollision
i’ve also tried to load the PhaserMatterCollisionPlugin locally, but that doesnt work either.
does anybody know how to get this plugin up and running with the Phaser 3 Webpack Project Template?
thanks in advance