Problem with level?

in my level-manager.js, how do I grab the passed variables in lvl-1.js?

Here’s my class.

'level-manager.js' :

class LevelManager extends Phaser.Scene {

    constructor ( __objData ) {
        super ( __objData );
        this.__level = 0;
        this.__objData = __objData;
        this.__scene = this.__objData.scene;
        this.__camera =;
        this.__map =;
        this.__tiles = this.__objData.tiles;
        this.__entity = this.__objData.entity;
        this.__data = 
            this.__scene, this.__camera, this.__map, 
            this.__tiles, this.__entity, 

    nextLevel ( __scene, __sceneKey ) {


        this.__scene = __scene;
        this.__sceneKey = __sceneKey;

        console.error ( this.__level );
        console.error ( this.__scene );
        console.error ( this.__sceneKey );

        this.__scene.scene.start (

        if ( this.__level ) {
            console.log ( 'SCENE' + ' :: ' + ' { ' + '\'' + ( this.__level ) + '\'' + ' } ' + 'WITH' + ' ' + 'SCENE KEY' + ' ' + '::' + ' { ' + '\'' + this.__sceneKey + '\'' + ' } ' + 'HAS BEEN STARTED!' );
            console.log ( 'Data :: ' + '\r\n', this.__data );



How I call it in 'preload-scene.js' :

this.__level = new LevelManager ({
    scene : this, 
    camera : this.cameras.main, 
    map : this.__map, 
    tiles : this.__tiles, 
    entity : this.hero, 

this.__level.nextLevel ( this, 'lvl-1' );

Line to look at :

this.__scene.scene.start (

it’s dumping the data correctly in console.error ( ) for this.__data, I just need a way to grab it in ‘lvl-1.js’
Here’s ‘lvl-1.js’ :
Here’s 'lvl-1.js' :

     * A class that extends Phaser.Scene & wraps up 
     * the core logic for the level

class Level1 extends Phaser.Scene


    constructor ( ) {
        super ({ 
            key : 'lvl-1', 

    preload ( ) {

    init ( ) {

        // Set whether or not the Player is dead { Default :: false }
        // Set whether or not the Player fell into a hole { Default :: false }
        // Set whether or not the Player has overlapped the Goal

        this.__isPlayerDead = false;
        this.__playerFallsInHole = false;
        this.__hasOverlapped = false;


    create ( ) {


    update ( ) {

        stats.update ( );



Any help is greatly appreciated!

The data is passed to the init method. Add a data Param to your init and you should be able to print it with console.log.

@smjn : How?

In level1 class change init to

    init (data ) {
        // Set whether or not the Player is dead { Default :: false }
        // Set whether or not the Player fell into a hole { Default :: false }
        // Set whether or not the Player has overlapped the Goal

        this.__isPlayerDead = false;
        this.__playerFallsInHole = false;
        this.__hasOverlapped = false;


So I got it to pass the data from 'preloading-scene.js' to 'lvl-1.js', but the problem is when I comment out :

this.__level.nextLevel ( this, 'lvl-1' );

in 'preloading-scene.js'inside of 'create ( )', it loads the level & all the resources just fine. Problem is I want it to only create the player{s}, asset{s} & level{s} 1 time to be used throughout all lvl class files, 'lvl-1.js', 'lvl-2.js' & so on. So when I uncomment this.__level.nextLevel ( this, 'lvl-1' ); in 'preloading-scene.js', it takes me to a blank scene in 'lvl-1.js' where the player, assets & level should already be loaded & created - which in lvl-1 scene, they are not.

This is how I create my player by calling this.hero = new Player ( ... ); in
'preloading-scene.js' :

'player.js' :

class Player {

	create ( __objData ) {

		this.__objData = __objData;

		this.__config = this.__objData.config;

		this.__scene = this.__objData.scene;
		this.__input = this.__objData.input;
		this.__physics = this.__objData.physics;
		this.__anims = this.__objData.anims;
		this.__add = this.__objData.add;

		this.__x = this.__objData.x;
		this.__y = this.__objData.y;

		this.__keyList = {

			w : Phaser.Input.Keyboard.KeyCodes.W, 
			a : Phaser.Input.Keyboard.KeyCodes.A, 
			s : Phaser.Input.Keyboard.KeyCodes.S, 
			d : Phaser.Input.Keyboard.KeyCodes.D, 


		// Get Keyboard Cursor{s} Input
		this.cursors = this.__input.keyboard.createCursorKeys ( );

		// Get Keyboard Key{s} Input
		this.keys = this.__input.keyboard.addKeys ( this.__keyList );

		// The movable character
		this.sprite = this.__physics.add.sprite (
			275, 575, "hero", 0

		// Set default `facing` to `right`
		this.sprite.direction = 'right';

		// Set default `X-Position`
		this.sprite.x = this.__x;

		// Set default `Y-Position`
		this.sprite.y = this.__y;

		this.__minVelocityX = ( 1.0 );
		this.__maxVelocityX = ( 2.0 );
		this.__minVelocityY = ( 100.0 );
		this.__maxVelocityY = ( 250.0 );

		this.__minAccelerationX = ( 1.0 );
		this.__maxAccelerationX = ( 2.0 );
		this.__minAccelerationY = ( 100.0 );
		this.__maxAccelerationY = ( 250.0 );

		playerAnims.CreatePlayerAtlasAnimations ( {
			masterKey : this.__masterKey, 
			scene : this.__scene, 
			anims : this.__anims, 
			entName : 'hero', 
		} );

		// The state machine managing the hero

		this.stateMachine = new StateMachine ( 'idle', {

			idle : new IdleState ( ), 
			move : new MoveState ( ), 
			jump : new JumpState ( ), 
			movejump : new MoveJumpState ( ), 
			fall : new FallState ( ), 


			[ {

				masterKey : this.__masterKey, 
				scene : this, 
				entity : this.sprite, 
				minVelocityX : this.__minVelocityX, 
				maxVelocityX : this.__maxVelocityX, 
				minVelocityY : this.__minVelocityY, 
				maxVelocityY : this.__maxVelocityY, 
				minAccelerationX : this.__minAccelerationX, 
				maxAccelerationX : this.__maxAccelerationX, 
				minAccelerationY : this.__minAccelerationY, 
				maxAccelerationY : this.__maxAccelerationY, 

			} ]


		this.destroyed = false; ( "update", this.update, this ); ( "shutdown", this.destroy, this ); ( "destroy", this.destroy, this );


	// `Freeze` our `Player` in place

	freeze ( ) {

		// Sets the `Player` to not be able to move

		this.sprite.body.moves = false;


	update ( ) {

		if ( this.destroyed ) { return; }


	destroy ( ) {

		this.destroyed = true;

		// Event listeners ( "shutdown", this.destroy, this ); ( "destroy", this.destroy, this );



This is my level manager :

'level-manager.js' :

class LevelManager extends Phaser.Scene {

	constructor ( __objData ) {
		super ( __objData );
		this.__level = 0;
		this.__objData = __objData;
		this.__scene = this.__objData.scene;
		this.__camera =;
		this.__map =;
		this.__tiles = this.__objData.tiles;
		this.__entity = this.__objData.entity;
		this.__data = 
			this.__scene, this.__camera, this.__entity, 
			this.__map, this.__tiles, 

	nextLevel ( __scene, __sceneKey ) {


		this.__scene = __scene;
		this.__sceneKey = __sceneKey;

		console.error ( this.__level );
		console.error ( this.__scene );
		console.error ( this.__sceneKey );

		this.__scene.scene.start (

		if ( this.__level ) {
			console.log ( 'SCENE' + ' :: ' + ' { ' + '\'' + ( this.__level ) + '\'' + ' } ' + 'WITH' + ' ' + 'SCENE KEY' + ' ' + '::' + ' { ' + '\'' + this.__sceneKey + '\'' + ' } ' + 'HAS BEEN STARTED!' );
			console.log ( 'Data :: ' + '\r\n', this.__data );



This is how I preload all my scene{s} & assets :

'preload-scene.js' :

  * A class that extends Phaser.Scene & wraps up 
  * the core logic for the preloader

class PreloadingScene extends Phaser.Scene


	constructor ( ) {
		super ({ 
			key : 'preloader', 

	__LoadAllAssets ( ) {

		// Load our Player's Texture Atlas

		this.load.atlas (

		// Load Tileset for Level{s} { 1 }

		this.load.image (

		// Load Level { 1 } JSON

		this.load.tilemapTiledJSON (


	SceneSetup ( __objData )


		console.time ( 'setup' );

		this.__objData = __objData;

		this.__map = [ ];

		this.__scene = this.__objData.scene;
		this.__camera =;
		this.__make = this.__objData.make;
		this.__input = this.__objData.input;
		this.__physics = this.__objData.physics;
		this.__anims = this.__objData.anims;
		this.__add = this.__objData.add;

		// Create our Tilemap for Level { 1 }

		this.__tileMap = this.__make.tilemap ({
			// Set the Map's `ID key`
			key : 'map-1-1', 

		// Add Tileset to Tilemap for Level { 1 }

		this.__tiles = this.__map.addTilesetImage (
			'platformPack_tilesheet', 'lvl-1-1', 66, 
			66, 1, 2, 

		// Create `Dynamic` `ground` Layer for Level{s} { 1 }

		this.__groundLayer = this.__map.createDynamicLayer (
			'ground', this.__tiles

		// Grab the `Spawn Point` Object from the Tiled map

		this.__playerSpawnPoint = this.__map.findObject ( 
			"player-spawn-point", obj => === "player-spawn-point"

		// Create Player{s}

		this.hero = new Player ( );

		this.hero.create ({
			scene : this.__scene, input : this.__input, physics : this.__physics, 
			anims : this.__anims, add : this.__add, x : this.__playerSpawnPoint.x, 
			y : this.__playerSpawnPoint.y, 

		// Collide the player against the ground layer - here we are grabbing the sprite property from
		// the player ( since the Player class is not a Phaser.Sprite )

		this.__groundLayer.setCollisionByExclusion ( -1, true );

		// Add Physics Collision between the `player` 
		// & the `groundLayer` ( this.hero.sprite, this.__groundLayer );

		// Setup Entity

		this.__entity = this.hero.sprite;

		// Make the `camera` follow the `entity`
		// Set the `camera` Zoom Level
		// Set the `camera` Viewport

		this.__camera.startFollow ( this.__entity, true, 1, 1 );
		this.__camera.setZoom ( 1, 1 );

		this.__camera.setViewport (
			0, 0, window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight

		// Get World Bounds X
		// Get World Bounds Y
		// Get World Bounds Width
		// Get World Bounds Height

		this.tileWidth = ( 66 );
		this.tileHeight = ( 66 );

		this.__boundsX = ( this.__tileWidth );
		this.__boundsY = ( 0 );
		this.__boundsWidth = ( this.__map.widthInPixels - ( 2.0 * this.__tileWidth ) );
		this.__boundsHeight = ( this.__map.heightInPixels - ( 2.0 * this.__tileHeight ) );

		// Set the `camera` to stay within the Game bounds

		this.__camera.setBounds (
			this.__boundsX, this.__boundsY, this.__boundsWidth, 

		// Set the `physics` to stay within the Game bounds (
			this.__boundsX, this.__boundsY, this.__boundsWidth, 
			this.__boundsHeight, true, true, 
			true, false

		console.timeEnd ( 'setup' );


	preload ( ) {

		var progress = ( );

		this.load.on ( 'progress', function ( value ) {
			progress.clear ( );
			progress.fillStyle ( 0xffffff, 1 );
			progress.fillRect ( 0, 270, 800 * value, 60 );
		} );

		this.load.on ( 'complete', function ( ) {
			progress.destroy ( );
		} );

		this.__LoadAllAssets ( );


	input ( ) {


	create ( ) {

		// Setup Scene{s}

		this.SceneSetup ({
			scene : this, 
			camera : this.cameras.main, 
			make : this.make, 
			input : this.input, 
			physics : this.physics, 
			anims : this.anims,  
			add : this.add, 

		this.__level = new LevelManager ({
			scene : this, 
			camera : this.cameras.main, 
			entity : this.hero, 
			map : this.__map, 

		this.__level.nextLevel ( this, 'lvl-1' );


	update ( ) {

		stats.update ( );



This is where I attempt to have a player / all level assets already loaded from preloading-scene.js :

'lvl-1.js' :

  * A class that extends Phaser.Scene & wraps up 
  * the core logic for the level

class Level1 extends Phaser.Scene {

	constructor ( ) {
		super ({ 
			key : 'lvl-1', 

	preload ( ) {

	init ( ) {

		// Set whether or not the Player is dead { Default :: false }
		// Set whether or not the Player fell into a hole { Default :: false }
		// Set whether or not the Player has overlapped the Goal

		this.__isPlayerDead = false;
		this.__playerFallsInHole = false;
		this.__hasOverlapped = false;


	create ( __objData ) {

		this.__objData = __objData;
		console.log ( this.__objData );

		// this.__data = [ 0 ];

		this.__scene = this.__objData [ 0 ];
		this.__camera = this.__objData [ 1 ];
		this.__entity = this.__objData [ 2 ];
		this.__map = this.__objData [ 3 ];
		this.__tiles = this.__objData [ 4 ];


	update ( ) {

		stats.update ( );



Any help is greatly appreciated!

someone can help me?


Assets, textures, and animations are global but game objects (sprites, tilemap layers, etc.) belong to exactly one scene. Game objects need to be created/added in each scene you want to use them in. If you shutdown a scene then its game objects are cleared.

If you want to use a Player instance in multiple scenes then you probably need to create a new sprite and reset its scene references (scene, input, physics) each time.

Try phaser-plugin-scene-watcher for scene help.