So I got it to pass the data from 'preloading-scene.js'
to 'lvl-1.js'
, but the problem is when I comment out :
this.__level.nextLevel ( this, 'lvl-1' );
in 'preloading-scene.js'
inside of 'create ( )'
, it loads the level & all the resources just fine. Problem is I want it to only create the player{s}, asset{s} & level{s} 1 time to be used throughout all lvl class files, 'lvl-1.js'
, 'lvl-2.js'
& so on. So when I uncomment this.__level.nextLevel ( this, 'lvl-1' );
in 'preloading-scene.js'
, it takes me to a blank scene in 'lvl-1.js'
where the player, assets & level should already be loaded & created - which in lvl-1
scene, they are not.
This is how I create my player by calling this.hero = new Player ( ... );
class Player {
create ( __objData ) {
this.__objData = __objData;
this.__config = this.__objData.config;
this.__scene = this.__objData.scene;
this.__input = this.__objData.input;
this.__physics = this.__objData.physics;
this.__anims = this.__objData.anims;
this.__add = this.__objData.add;
this.__x = this.__objData.x;
this.__y = this.__objData.y;
this.__keyList = {
w : Phaser.Input.Keyboard.KeyCodes.W,
a : Phaser.Input.Keyboard.KeyCodes.A,
s : Phaser.Input.Keyboard.KeyCodes.S,
d : Phaser.Input.Keyboard.KeyCodes.D,
// Get Keyboard Cursor{s} Input
this.cursors = this.__input.keyboard.createCursorKeys ( );
// Get Keyboard Key{s} Input
this.keys = this.__input.keyboard.addKeys ( this.__keyList );
// The movable character
this.sprite = this.__physics.add.sprite (
275, 575, "hero", 0
// Set default `facing` to `right`
this.sprite.direction = 'right';
// Set default `X-Position`
this.sprite.x = this.__x;
// Set default `Y-Position`
this.sprite.y = this.__y;
this.__minVelocityX = ( 1.0 );
this.__maxVelocityX = ( 2.0 );
this.__minVelocityY = ( 100.0 );
this.__maxVelocityY = ( 250.0 );
this.__minAccelerationX = ( 1.0 );
this.__maxAccelerationX = ( 2.0 );
this.__minAccelerationY = ( 100.0 );
this.__maxAccelerationY = ( 250.0 );
playerAnims.CreatePlayerAtlasAnimations ( {
masterKey : this.__masterKey,
scene : this.__scene,
anims : this.__anims,
entName : 'hero',
} );
// The state machine managing the hero
this.stateMachine = new StateMachine ( 'idle', {
idle : new IdleState ( ),
move : new MoveState ( ),
jump : new JumpState ( ),
movejump : new MoveJumpState ( ),
fall : new FallState ( ),
[ {
masterKey : this.__masterKey,
scene : this,
entity : this.sprite,
minVelocityX : this.__minVelocityX,
maxVelocityX : this.__maxVelocityX,
minVelocityY : this.__minVelocityY,
maxVelocityY : this.__maxVelocityY,
minAccelerationX : this.__minAccelerationX,
maxAccelerationX : this.__maxAccelerationX,
minAccelerationY : this.__minAccelerationY,
maxAccelerationY : this.__maxAccelerationY,
} ]
this.destroyed = false; ( "update", this.update, this ); ( "shutdown", this.destroy, this ); ( "destroy", this.destroy, this );
// `Freeze` our `Player` in place
freeze ( ) {
// Sets the `Player` to not be able to move
this.sprite.body.moves = false;
update ( ) {
if ( this.destroyed ) { return; }
destroy ( ) {
this.destroyed = true;
// Event listeners ( "shutdown", this.destroy, this ); ( "destroy", this.destroy, this );
This is my level manager :
class LevelManager extends Phaser.Scene {
constructor ( __objData ) {
super ( __objData );
this.__level = 0;
this.__objData = __objData;
this.__scene = this.__objData.scene;
this.__camera =;
this.__map =;
this.__tiles = this.__objData.tiles;
this.__entity = this.__objData.entity;
this.__data =
this.__scene, this.__camera, this.__entity,
this.__map, this.__tiles,
nextLevel ( __scene, __sceneKey ) {
this.__scene = __scene;
this.__sceneKey = __sceneKey;
console.error ( this.__level );
console.error ( this.__scene );
console.error ( this.__sceneKey );
this.__scene.scene.start (
if ( this.__level ) {
console.log ( 'SCENE' + ' :: ' + ' { ' + '\'' + ( this.__level ) + '\'' + ' } ' + 'WITH' + ' ' + 'SCENE KEY' + ' ' + '::' + ' { ' + '\'' + this.__sceneKey + '\'' + ' } ' + 'HAS BEEN STARTED!' );
console.log ( 'Data :: ' + '\r\n', this.__data );
This is how I preload all my scene{s} & assets :
* A class that extends Phaser.Scene & wraps up
* the core logic for the preloader
class PreloadingScene extends Phaser.Scene
constructor ( ) {
super ({
key : 'preloader',
__LoadAllAssets ( ) {
// Load our Player's Texture Atlas
this.load.atlas (
// Load Tileset for Level{s} { 1 }
this.load.image (
// Load Level { 1 } JSON
this.load.tilemapTiledJSON (
SceneSetup ( __objData )
console.time ( 'setup' );
this.__objData = __objData;
this.__map = [ ];
this.__scene = this.__objData.scene;
this.__camera =;
this.__make = this.__objData.make;
this.__input = this.__objData.input;
this.__physics = this.__objData.physics;
this.__anims = this.__objData.anims;
this.__add = this.__objData.add;
// Create our Tilemap for Level { 1 }
this.__tileMap = this.__make.tilemap ({
// Set the Map's `ID key`
key : 'map-1-1',
// Add Tileset to Tilemap for Level { 1 }
this.__tiles = this.__map.addTilesetImage (
'platformPack_tilesheet', 'lvl-1-1', 66,
66, 1, 2,
// Create `Dynamic` `ground` Layer for Level{s} { 1 }
this.__groundLayer = this.__map.createDynamicLayer (
'ground', this.__tiles
// Grab the `Spawn Point` Object from the Tiled map
this.__playerSpawnPoint = this.__map.findObject (
"player-spawn-point", obj => === "player-spawn-point"
// Create Player{s}
this.hero = new Player ( );
this.hero.create ({
scene : this.__scene, input : this.__input, physics : this.__physics,
anims : this.__anims, add : this.__add, x : this.__playerSpawnPoint.x,
y : this.__playerSpawnPoint.y,
// Collide the player against the ground layer - here we are grabbing the sprite property from
// the player ( since the Player class is not a Phaser.Sprite )
this.__groundLayer.setCollisionByExclusion ( -1, true );
// Add Physics Collision between the `player`
// & the `groundLayer` ( this.hero.sprite, this.__groundLayer );
// Setup Entity
this.__entity = this.hero.sprite;
// Make the `camera` follow the `entity`
// Set the `camera` Zoom Level
// Set the `camera` Viewport
this.__camera.startFollow ( this.__entity, true, 1, 1 );
this.__camera.setZoom ( 1, 1 );
this.__camera.setViewport (
0, 0, window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight
// Get World Bounds X
// Get World Bounds Y
// Get World Bounds Width
// Get World Bounds Height
this.tileWidth = ( 66 );
this.tileHeight = ( 66 );
this.__boundsX = ( this.__tileWidth );
this.__boundsY = ( 0 );
this.__boundsWidth = ( this.__map.widthInPixels - ( 2.0 * this.__tileWidth ) );
this.__boundsHeight = ( this.__map.heightInPixels - ( 2.0 * this.__tileHeight ) );
// Set the `camera` to stay within the Game bounds
this.__camera.setBounds (
this.__boundsX, this.__boundsY, this.__boundsWidth,
// Set the `physics` to stay within the Game bounds (
this.__boundsX, this.__boundsY, this.__boundsWidth,
this.__boundsHeight, true, true,
true, false
console.timeEnd ( 'setup' );
preload ( ) {
var progress = ( );
this.load.on ( 'progress', function ( value ) {
progress.clear ( );
progress.fillStyle ( 0xffffff, 1 );
progress.fillRect ( 0, 270, 800 * value, 60 );
} );
this.load.on ( 'complete', function ( ) {
progress.destroy ( );
} );
this.__LoadAllAssets ( );
input ( ) {
create ( ) {
// Setup Scene{s}
this.SceneSetup ({
scene : this,
camera : this.cameras.main,
make : this.make,
input : this.input,
physics : this.physics,
anims : this.anims,
add : this.add,
this.__level = new LevelManager ({
scene : this,
camera : this.cameras.main,
entity : this.hero,
map : this.__map,
this.__level.nextLevel ( this, 'lvl-1' );
update ( ) {
stats.update ( );
This is where I attempt
to have a player / all level assets already loaded from preloading-scene.js
* A class that extends Phaser.Scene & wraps up
* the core logic for the level
class Level1 extends Phaser.Scene {
constructor ( ) {
super ({
key : 'lvl-1',
preload ( ) {
init ( ) {
// Set whether or not the Player is dead { Default :: false }
// Set whether or not the Player fell into a hole { Default :: false }
// Set whether or not the Player has overlapped the Goal
this.__isPlayerDead = false;
this.__playerFallsInHole = false;
this.__hasOverlapped = false;
create ( __objData ) {
this.__objData = __objData;
console.log ( this.__objData );
// this.__data = [ 0 ];
this.__scene = this.__objData [ 0 ];
this.__camera = this.__objData [ 1 ];
this.__entity = this.__objData [ 2 ];
this.__map = this.__objData [ 3 ];
this.__tiles = this.__objData [ 4 ];
update ( ) {
stats.update ( );
Any help is greatly appreciated!