Hi everybody,
our game shall start in grayscale and progress to be ever more colorful. For this purpose, I am trying to set the saturation of my texture-atlas(es). I found this example for reference: Phaser - Examples - Edit Texture Hue Shift .
Now, converting my atlas texture to a CanvasTexture and altering saturation works fine. But I have issues bringing the resulting texture back to the atlas and/or apply it to all the images in the game.
Here’s my code so far:
* @method PhaserGame.Level#setLevelSaturation
* @memberof PhaserGame.Level
* @param {number} saturation
* @private
PhaserGame.Level.prototype.setLevelSaturation = function (saturation) {
var levelTexture = this.scene.textures.get('levelAtlas').getSourceImage();
var canvasTexture = this.scene.textures.createCanvas('levelAtlasCanvas', levelTexture.width, levelTexture.height);
canvasTexture.draw(0, 0, levelTexture);
var context = canvasTexture.getSourceImage().getContext("2d");
var pixels = context.getImageData(0, 0, levelTexture.width, levelTexture.height);
for (var i = 0; i < pixels.data.length / 4; i++)
this.applySaturationToPixels(pixels.data, i * 4, saturation);
context.putImageData(pixels, 0, 0);
// this does nothing
// this results in the atlas to be broken: "texture frame missing: ***.png"
this.levelElements.forEach(element => { element.setTexture(canvas.getSourceImage()); });
* @method PhaserGame.Level#applySaturationToPixels
* @memberof PhaserGame.Level
* @param {object} pixels
* @param {number} index
* @param {number} saturation
* @private
PhaserGame.Level.prototype.applySaturationToPixels = function (pixels, index, saturation) {
var r = pixels[index];
var g = pixels[index + 1];
var b = pixels[index + 2];
var hsv = Phaser.Display.Color.RGBToHSV(r, g, b);
var rgb = Phaser.Display.Color.HSVToRGB(hsv.h, saturation, hsv.v);
pixels[index] = rgb.r;
pixels[index + 1] = rgb.g;
pixels[index + 2] = rgb.b;
Any ideas? I’m also very open for other ways of accomplishing this.