Problems with tweens.addCounter

How pass parameters to counter and do not lose it when it changed outside tweens ?

I tried to set " onStartScope: this," and some other ways, but it hasn’t helped.

  var obj_enemy, aa;

 for ( aa = 0; aa < 5; aa++ )
      obj_enemy = group_vragi.create(x, y, "enemy") 	
  from: 0,
  to: 100,
  repeat: 10,
 duration: 50,  
 onStart: function ()
 {"aa =", aa); 

  obj_enemy.x = 30;
  obj_enemy.y = 30;


Result of this code is :
aa = 5
aa = 5
aa = 5
aa = 5
aa = 5

Even “onStart” it gets aa = 5 , but i need 5 different “aa” : aa = 0, aa = 1, aa = 2, aa = 3, aa = 4, and 5
different sprites . Now each tween counter works with last created sprite.

Same problem is with " this.time.addEvent " .

The problem is solved .
I was needed just separate tweens into function and send there “obj_enemy” parameter. So, each tween will be working with different sprites.