I’m using a Palette Swapping Example. In the Create section of my game it calls the function. It takes about 20 seconds to complete and then my game shows up a begins. I’m struggling to find a way to add a progress bar inside the function. Below is the code of that function:
* Creates new sprite sheets and animations from the given palette and spritesheet.
* @param {object} config - Config schema.
function createPalettes (config)
// Create color lookup from palette image.
var colorLookup = {};
var x, y;
var pixel, palette;
var paletteWidth = game.textures.get(config.paletteKey).getSourceImage().width;
// Go through each pixel in the palette image and add it to the color lookup.
for (y = 0; y < config.paletteNames.length; y++) {
palette = config.paletteNames[y];
colorLookup[palette] = [];
for (x = 0; x < paletteWidth; x++) {
pixel = game.textures.getPixel(x, y, config.paletteKey);
// Create sheets and animations from base sheet.
var sheet = game.textures.get(config.spriteSheet.key).getSourceImage();
var atlasKey, anim, animKey;
var canvasTexture, canvas, context, imageData, pixelArray;
// Iterate over each palette.
for (y = 0; y < config.paletteNames.length; y++) {
palette = config.paletteNames[y];
atlasKey = config.spriteSheet.key + '-' + palette;
// Create a canvas to draw new image data onto.
canvasTexture = game.textures.createCanvas(config.spriteSheet.key + '-temp', sheet.width, sheet.height);
canvas = canvasTexture.getSourceImage();
context = canvas.getContext('2d');
// Copy the sheet.
context.drawImage(sheet, 0, 0);
// Get image data from the new sheet.
imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, sheet.width, sheet.height);
pixelArray = imageData.data;
// Iterate through every pixel in the image.
for (var p = 0; p < pixelArray.length / 4; p++) {
var index = 4 * p;
var r = pixelArray[index];
var g = pixelArray[++index];
var b = pixelArray[++index];
var alpha = pixelArray[++index];
// If this is a transparent pixel, ignore, move on.
if (alpha === 0) {
// Iterate through the colors in the palette.
for (var c = 0; c < paletteWidth; c++) {
var oldColor = colorLookup[config.paletteNames[0]][c];
var newColor = colorLookup[palette][c];
// If the color matches, replace the color.
if (r === oldColor.r && g === oldColor.g && b === oldColor.b && alpha === 255) {
pixelArray[--index] = newColor.b;
pixelArray[--index] = newColor.g;
pixelArray[--index] = newColor.r;
// Put our modified pixel data back into the context.
context.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0);
// Add the canvas as a sprite sheet to the game.
game.textures.addSpriteSheet(atlasKey, canvasTexture.getSourceImage(), {
frameWidth: config.spriteSheet.frameWidth,
frameHeight: config.spriteSheet.frameHeight,
// Iterate over each animation.
for (var a = 0; a < config.animations.length; a++) {
anim = config.animations[a];
animKey = atlasKey + '-' + anim.key;
// Add the animation to the game.
key: animKey,
frames: game.anims.generateFrameNumbers(atlasKey, {start: anim.startFrame, end: anim.endFrame}),
frameRate: anim.frameRate,
repeat: anim.repeat === undefined ? -1 : anim.repeat
// Destroy temp texture.
game.textures.get(config.spriteSheet.key + '-temp').destroy();
// Destroy textures that are not longer needed.
// NOTE: This doesn't remove the textures from TextureManager.list.
// However, it does destroy source image data.