Progress bar during Config load

I’m using a Palette Swapping Example. In the Create section of my game it calls the function. It takes about 20 seconds to complete and then my game shows up a begins. I’m struggling to find a way to add a progress bar inside the function. Below is the code of that function:

 * Creates new sprite sheets and animations from the given palette and spritesheet.
 * @param {object} config - Config schema.
function createPalettes (config)
    // Create color lookup from palette image.
    var colorLookup = {};
    var x, y;
    var pixel, palette;

    var paletteWidth = game.textures.get(config.paletteKey).getSourceImage().width;

    // Go through each pixel in the palette image and add it to the color lookup.
    for (y = 0; y < config.paletteNames.length; y++) {
        palette = config.paletteNames[y];
        colorLookup[palette] = [];

        for (x = 0; x < paletteWidth; x++) {
            pixel = game.textures.getPixel(x, y, config.paletteKey);

    // Create sheets and animations from base sheet.
    var sheet = game.textures.get(config.spriteSheet.key).getSourceImage();
    var atlasKey, anim, animKey;
    var canvasTexture, canvas, context, imageData, pixelArray;


    // Iterate over each palette.
    for (y = 0; y < config.paletteNames.length; y++) {
        palette = config.paletteNames[y];
        atlasKey = config.spriteSheet.key + '-' + palette;

        // Create a canvas to draw new image data onto.
        canvasTexture = game.textures.createCanvas(config.spriteSheet.key + '-temp', sheet.width, sheet.height);
        canvas = canvasTexture.getSourceImage();
        context = canvas.getContext('2d');

        // Copy the sheet.
        context.drawImage(sheet, 0, 0);

        // Get image data from the new sheet.
        imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, sheet.width, sheet.height);
        pixelArray =;

        // Iterate through every pixel in the image.
        for (var p = 0; p < pixelArray.length / 4; p++) {
            var index = 4 * p;

            var r = pixelArray[index];
            var g = pixelArray[++index];
            var b = pixelArray[++index];
            var alpha = pixelArray[++index];

            // If this is a transparent pixel, ignore, move on.
            if (alpha === 0) {

            // Iterate through the colors in the palette.
            for (var c = 0; c < paletteWidth; c++) {
                var oldColor = colorLookup[config.paletteNames[0]][c];
                var newColor = colorLookup[palette][c];

                // If the color matches, replace the color.
                if (r === oldColor.r && g === oldColor.g && b === oldColor.b && alpha === 255) {
                    pixelArray[--index] = newColor.b;
                    pixelArray[--index] = newColor.g;
                    pixelArray[--index] = newColor.r;

        // Put our modified pixel data back into the context.
        context.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0);

        // Add the canvas as a sprite sheet to the game.
        game.textures.addSpriteSheet(atlasKey, canvasTexture.getSourceImage(), {
            frameWidth: config.spriteSheet.frameWidth,
            frameHeight: config.spriteSheet.frameHeight,

        // Iterate over each animation.
        for (var a = 0; a < config.animations.length; a++) {
            anim = config.animations[a];
            animKey = atlasKey + '-' + anim.key;

            // Add the animation to the game.
                key: animKey,
                frames: game.anims.generateFrameNumbers(atlasKey, {start: anim.startFrame, end: anim.endFrame}),
                frameRate: anim.frameRate,
                repeat: anim.repeat === undefined ? -1 : anim.repeat

        // Destroy temp texture.
        game.textures.get(config.spriteSheet.key + '-temp').destroy();

    // Destroy textures that are not longer needed.
    // NOTE: This doesn't remove the textures from TextureManager.list.
    //       However, it does destroy source image data.


You have to split that function work into batches somehow.

Maybe another way to approach this is to load an image early like what you suggested in another post (Change the Black background loading screen to background image (Phaser) - #2 by samme). I tried this and it seems to work but the image is a neon green box with diagonal line - which represents image not properly loaded in Phaser. I redacted the url below but I did test my url in a new browser tab that it works.

var sceneConfig = {
    preload: preload,
    create: create,
    update: update,
    pack: {
        files: [
            { type: 'image', key: 'sonic', url: '/images/energybar.png' }

var config = {
    type: Phaser.AUTO,
        //backgroundColor: 0x003500,
    parent: 'phaser-game',
    scene: {
        preload: preload,
        create: create,
        update: update
    dom: {
        createContainer: true
  scale: {
    mode: Phaser.Scale.NONE,
    autoCenter: Phaser.Scale.CENTER_BOTH
    width: 1200,  
    height: 600

In my preload I added this line:

const img = this.add.image(200, 200, 'sonic');

I got the scene files payload to work. The “pack:{files[]}” part has to be passed into a constructor.

Unfortunately, I now can’t find a way to destroy the image or turn its viability off after I’m finished with it.

I figured it out. I restart scenes in my game so the image kept loading. I added a condition to only add the image if the count is <1.