Properly handle collision of dynamic and static sprite

const rect = this.physics.add.staticSprite(
      .setDisplaySize(hedgeImg.displayWidth, 5)

this.rufus = this.physics.add
        this.cameras.main.centerX - 100,
        this.cameras.main.centerY - 40,
      .setDisplaySize(140, 140)

this.physics.add.collider(this.rufus, rect, () => {


I have a dynamic and static sprite. The dynamic sprite moves around the scene following the pointer. When it collides with the static sprite, I need it to stop moving and not be able to move through/over the static sprite.
How can I properly handle that, can anyone help me with this?
Any help is appreciated.

You need to move this.rufus using velocity.

I was using the rexjs plugin MoveTo to move this.rufus. I switched to this.physics.moveTo and it solved all of the problems. Thank you anyway.