Randomly generated tile map with custom sized wall collision boxes in Arcade

Hey everyone!

I’m currently creating a dungeon crawler where the map is auto generated at the start. My tile size is 32x32, but my wall tiles have different sizes, depending on if it is a top, left, right or bottom wall tile.

I already managed to do that with Matter physics and an empty map from Tiled where I only load the Tilesets and where I set the collision boxes for every tile in the Tile collision editor.
Here is a picture of what that looks like at the moment:

But to be honest is Matter quite the overkill for that, because I only really need this special treatment for the wall tiles.

Therefore I would like to do that with Arcade physics and after a long research I think the best way is to make an object layer out of my wall tiles. Or in other words: I will give every wall tile an Image with a custom body. But I can’t seem to manage to create such an object layer.
These are my current problems with that approach:

  • I can’t seem to get the image which was used for the specific tiles. So for example if I’m currently replacing the first wall tile with an object, I do know where that tile is, like the x and y coordinates, but how do I get the image from that specific tile so I can assign it to the object?
  • There are a couple of different wall tiles, like 8 different kinds of bottom walls, which are all set randomly. Therefore I don’t know what collision box a tile needs without any further information. I tried it with custom properties on the tile itself and on the collision boxes in Tiled, but they are nowhere to be found when I have the tile in phaser. I don’t know if that’s just a bug with the latest version of Tiled and Phaser or if I’m just too dumb to find them because I saw a lot of posts which stated that they should be somewhere.

It would be really great if someone could help me here, or show me some directions if there is a way easier path to create a randomly generated tile map with custom sized wall collision boxes.

Note: I’m using Phaser 3.55.0 and Tiled 1.8.2


The map is autogenerated in Tiled or in Phaser?

In Phaser you can modify the tile width and height directly but it’s always against tile origin (0, 1), bottom-left.

If you eventually convert the tiles to sprites (game objects) then you’ll need to load the tileset image as a spritesheet; then you can select the right frame for the tile.

The map is autogenerated in Phaser, because I create it everytime a player loads the game.

Shrinking the width/height of tiles also resizes the picture/asset of that tile. Just tried it and set every wall tile to half its width and height, and they are now all just a smaller version of that tile. Don’t know if you meant that?

Regarding loading the tileset as spritesheet…so there is no way to get the specific asset used for a tile directly from the tile itself? Like “object.image = tile.image” or something of that sort?

And the problem still persists that the custom properties I set in Tiled are nowhere to be found. Can’t find them when I use Matter nor while using Arcade.

I think that’s a Phaser bug, WebGL only.

The texture is in tile.tileset.image.

Look in tile.properties and tileset.getTileData(gid) and tileset.getTileProperties(gid).

I couldn’t get the asset out of the tileset from one specific tile, but tileset.getTileData(gid) gives me all the custom properties I set and even the collision boxes I created for that tile!

So I will just create an extra layer or an object group where I will set all the collision boxes, and let the wall tiles/images be build as it is now.

Thanks a lot!