I’m trying to create a simple rectangle object, with the witdh of the entire window (my game object is also window.innerWidth).
but for some reason the rectangle is only half the width.
I’m trying to create a simple rectangle object, with the witdh of the entire window (my game object is also window.innerWidth).
but for some reason the rectangle is only half the width.
Hello @maoritzio
you can use somethink like this:
create() {
let rect = Phaser.Geom.Rectangle.Clone(this.cameras.main);
let { x, y, width, height } = rect;
this.add.rectangle(x, y, width, height);
You should create the rectangle by camera’s width height, not window.innerWidth
If i understand your question correctly
thanks @hcakar !
I tried what u suggested, but I’m still getting a rectangle with half the width (and half the height).
Could this be related to the devicePixelRatio?
BTW - if I log the rect object I can see it has the correct with and height - but on the screen it still looks half the size
Hey @maoritzio
Maybe about that and also can you try
this.add.rectangle(x, y, width, height).setOrigin(0);
Maybe the rectange staying out of bounds of ur canvas. If this also wont work, can you please share ur code if it’s possible so I try to check from there
thank you! that was it
is there a good way to debug so I wouldnt miss stuff like this anymore? like a simple flag that will add borders to the containers , rectangles, etc.?
Hey @maoritzio I’m glad that’s worked!
And yes there is!
@samme created a phaser3-plugin that called phaser-plugin-debug-draw which i also used it. And it’s working pretty nice.
Also as far as i know, beside text in phaser3 everything have an origin with 0.5 (it was anchor on phaser-2) so you can always use GameObject’s middle points as pivot points.
thanks a lot @hcakar, I’ll give it a try.
although I’m starting to think that Phaser is not the right solution for my game. I have a very simple “connect the dots” game I’m developing, and it’s starting to look like it will be easier to accomplish this with non-canvas elements. It seems like Phaser is very good for drawing 2d games, but the UI work is too time-consuming for me
Well @maoritzio it’s really not my call, i’ve been using phaser since v-2.3 i guess and i’m really confident that be developt with phaser. I think it’s about, preparing senario and then act on it
Please let me know if i can do anything to help.