Refer to another scene: update text in UI scene

I’m testing some UI that is to remain across all my many scenes.
I’ve got 3 scenes: start (gameScene), the UI (UI) and scene 3.
I’ve got the UI propagating from start to scene 3, but I can’t update it.
How can I for instance update the text in a UI from another scene?


class GameScene extends Phaser.Scene{
        super({key: 'GameScene'});      
    preload ()
    create ()
        this.input.on('pointerdown', function(){


class UI extends Phaser.Scene{
super({key: ‘UI’, active: true});
this.numCoins = 5;
let myGame = this.scene.get(‘gameScene’);
this.coinText = this.add.text(20,30, this.numCoins);

Final scene: here I want to add some coins and update the UI

class Scene3 extends Phaser.Scene{
super({key: ‘Scene3’});


preload ()


create ()
        UI.numCoins = 10;  //undefined
   this.coinText.text = '10'; //undefined
    this.coinText.updateText(); //undefined

}//end scene

How can I update the text that is in UI? thank you.

In this instance, you would save the UI scene as a variable in whatever scene you’re in

this.uiScene = this.scene.get('UI')

then update the text on the cointText object

this.uiScene.coinText.text = whatever;

Question though, how are you running the UI scene? You don’t have that code in the example above.

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Awesome, that works!
Right now, the UI scene is just listed in the config as another scene…there is only the code provided plus the config.

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I see. If I’m understanding you correctly, you might need to call the UI Scene to run in parallel with whatever your current game scene is.

Check this example out: Launching Parallel Scenes

But if it’s working for you, I probably am misunderstanding something. Nice!

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No, it was a typo. my bad. It works!

Another question: How would I go about changing the value if I wanted to just add 10 coins, so that the text would update the value?
so something like this.uiScene.numcoins += 10;
then this.uiScene.coinText.text.updateText(); //but that doesn’t work

You can use the registry and the event “changedata” like in this example:\scenes\registry%20data%20exchange%20es6.js


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