Resize `setScrollFactor ( )` graphic?

so I’ve got a working HUD now. Problem is when I use Scale Manager’s 'PHASER.SCALE.ENVELOP' option to resize my game, the HUD icons don’t shrink or scale correctly. Infact, they stick to the screen & follow the screen position, not the screen size.

Here’s the code :

 * A class that extends Phaser.Scene & wraps up 
 * the core logic for the HUD

var HUDScene = new Phaser.Class ( {

	Extends : Phaser.Scene, 

	initialize : 

	function HUDScene ( ) { ( this, {

			key : 'HUDScene', 
			active : false, 

		} );


	drawHUD : function ( __objData ) {

		this.__objData = __objData;

		this.__scene = this.__objData.scene;
		this.__add = this.__objData.add;

		// Add Player's Life Count Image

		this.__add.image ( 30, 30, 'lifeicon' ).setScrollFactor ( 0 ).setDepth ( 999 );


} );

Any help as always is GREATLY appreciated!

someone can help?

  1. The Scale Manager always scales the whole canvas.
  2. In ENVELOP parts of the game canvas can be hidden, and that can give you a wrong impression of the true canvas size.
  3. Scroll factor is applied only during camera scrolling.

@samme : Right, but how do I resize the icon correctly?

@samme : Should I not just create a separate div for the HUD.?