[resolved] Tweens: Move around circle

Hello !

I would like to move a sprite (sun) around a circle. I managed to spin it all around the circle, but I can’t calculate its speed (a).

Indeed I would like to do a day / night cycle. Let’s assume that a day lasts 12sec (12000 frames), and that my circle has a radius of 580px (size which will change according to the size of the screen).
In the example I found, “a” is incremented by 0.05 with each update.

Do you have a formula that can help me calculate this “a” based on the length of my day?
Or another method (a tween?).

Here is my current code (sorry i can’t seem to format the code on the forum :frowning: ):
this.sunSprite.setData(‘vector’, new Phaser.Math.Vector2())
this.a += 0.05;
if (this.a > 1)
this.a = 0;

    var vect = this.sunSprite.getData('vector')
    this.circle.getPoint(this.a, vect);
    this.sunSprite.setPosition(vect.x, vect.y)
    this.graphics.lineStyle(2, 0x00ff00);

I tried something like that, but it is not conclusive:
this.speed = 2 * Math.PI * radius / 12000

thank you in advance

Maybe use a path with a tween?
Looks like this example works well with the radius and timing…

Thank you very much, it was very useful to me!

I saw this example last night without understanding, but with rest I can do it better: p