Safari: error decoding audio - undefined


if i run my game in safari the error “error decoding audio: undefined - null” occurs.
It uses WebAudio and i only work with .mp3-files. Every other browser doesn’t show this problem.

What could be the reason for that?

Look this post:

Bumping this topic - I have the exact same issue after upgrading Safari to v15.1 on macOS Catalina.

We’ve also tried the same Safari version (15.1) on a different Mac with the newest macOS installed (Monterey) and got some peculiar behaviour - at first few attempts the sound just shut off after a few seconds without any error in the console, with large delays in timed actions and responding to interactions (no other programs or tabs were running). On a different attempt the sound was working fine and things sped up to almost the normal speed.

Various other Safari+macOS/iOS combinations (e.g. Safari 13, Safari 14.8) and other browsers work just fine.

Anyone able to help with these mysterious Safari idiosyncracies? :slight_smile:

I have the same problem with Safari 15/Catalina. You can test on DecodeThis!.

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