Scale2x algorithm


I am new to Phaser. I am remaking an old game of mine I did years ago on Flash. Do you know if scale2x algorithm already exist on Phaser? I looked everyone but I could not find anything. Maybe it exists on another name. If not, what would be the best way to implement it and to apply it on an image?

If you are not familiar with scale2x, you can see a javascript example here as well as another code sample there.

Thanks a lot for taking to the time to read this.

:wave: It’s not in Phaser. You could use it with a CanvasTexture. I’ll take a look.

Thank you so much. It does not actually really work with a sprite, since all transparent pixel turn black, but I guess it is a problem with the original nicoptere script, not yours.

Anyway, that is fine by me since I want to apply this effect on JPG background, so transparency problem is not an issue for me.

Thanks again so much!!!