Scene config is not saved/updated. help

let game = new Phaser.Game({
width: 720,
height: 1280,
scale: {
    mode: Phaser.Scale.FIT,
    autoCenter: Phaser.Scale.CENTER_BOTH
autoRound: false,
scene: [
    load_scene ,menu_scene,playgame_scene

my load_scene is not load, but my menu_scene is and , i’ve set active: false in menu_scene like below and active true on load scene before it works fine but now idk why it happens my load scene load textures, atlases and musics

import { CST } from "../CST.js";
export class menu_scene extends Phaser.Scene{
      key: CST.SCENES.MENU,
      active: false

^ im not copying the whole code just snippet.

yesterday it works fine but today, unfortunately. i thought it was parcel at first so i tried to reparcel and even tried reinstall

Somehow, both my menu scene and load scene key is changed to “default”, even after i change the key manually

What do you get if you console.log(CST.SCENES.MENU); from your Scene’s constructor? If you’re referencing it incorrectly, the Scene’s key would be undefined and it’s fall back to a default value.

when i console.log, it is referenced correctly i got MENU and to my surprise i got LOAD which i console.log on my load scene constructor
edit 1: but the both scenes key is default
edit 2: however on load scene, I did console.log on init, which doesn’t appear(as if its skipped)
edit 3: the play scene key is the only one not default and is correct

Ive even changed browser to edge and switched to wamp(blank screen)
tried converting .js to .ts, renaming the scene file to remove _

I even named the scene key to “MENU” and “LOAD” instead of referencing it form CST file.
the scene key still changed to default

my load scene is supposed to load textures, atlas and sounds for my menu scene
below is the code

import { CST } from "../CST";

export class LoadScene extends Phaser.Scene{
	constructor() {
			active: true
	console.log("load accessed");

	this.load.image("bg", "assets/art/background.png");
	this.load.path = 'assets/art/';
	this.load.atlas("blockAtlas", "blocks.png", "blocks_atlas.json");
	this.load.path = 'assets/sounds/'"bgm", "bgm.wav");
	let loadingBar ={
		fillStyle : {
			color : 255
	this.load.on("progress", (percent) =>{
		loadingBar.fillRect(0, /2, * percent, 50);
	this.load.on("complete", ()=>{
	console.log("load accessed1");
	// this.scene.start(CST.SCENES.MENU)
	console.log("load accessed2");


both console.log in init and create arent shown

after some digging, i found out that my config for the scene is undefined for menu and load scene except for play scene
below is an example (load scene)

turns out since i used math import on playgamescene
i have to do the same for load and menu eventhough it was not used

it took me 12 hrs well 10 excluding some breaks lol for just a missing import! QQ X.X