I’m creating a custom transition based off of what was done here. I see that SceneTransitionConfig has properties for moveAbove and moveBelow, but no properties for moveLeft or moveRight. Is there any way to control where the target scene is placed, if I want it to be to the right or left?
For example, let’s say I have scenes A, B, and C. A pans to the right to C. C pans to the left to B. B pans to the right to A. When B pans to A, it pans to an empty scene. If it had panned left instead, it shows scene A properly, but I want it to pan right. I hope that makes sense.
I think I figured it out… the both cameras need to call setScroll when I’m panning. Here’s the code that I’m using:
target: nextScene?.Name,
sleep: true,
duration: 1500,
onStart() {
currentScene.playerState.transitioning = true;
onUpdate(progress: number) {
const t = Phaser.Math.Easing.Quadratic.InOut(progress);
if (direction === "left") {
cam.setScroll(targetCam.x, targetCam.y);
cam.setViewport(t * GridWidthPixels, 0, (1 - t) * GridWidthPixels, cam.height);
targetCam.setViewport(0, 0, t * GridWidthPixels, targetCam.height);
targetCam.setScroll((1 - t) * GridWidthPixels, 0);
else if (direction === "right") {
cam.setViewport(0, 0, (1 - t) * GridWidthPixels, cam.height);
cam.setScroll(t * GridWidthPixels, 0);
targetCam.setScroll(cam.x, cam.y);
targetCam.setViewport((1 - t) * GridWidthPixels, 0, t * GridWidthPixels, targetCam.height);
else if (direction === "up") {
cam.setScroll(targetCam.x, targetCam.y);
cam.setViewport(0, t * GridHeightPixels, cam.width, (1 - t) * GridHeightPixels);
targetCam.setViewport(0, 0, targetCam.width, t * GridHeightPixels);
targetCam.setScroll(0, (1 - t) * GridHeightPixels);
else if (direction === "down") {
cam.setViewport(0, 0, cam.width, (1 - t) * GridHeightPixels);
cam.setScroll(0, t * GridHeightPixels);
targetCam.setScroll(cam.x, cam.y);
targetCam.setViewport(0, (1 - t) * GridHeightPixels, targetCam.width, t * GridHeightPixels);
if (progress === 1) {