setFixedRotation does not work when setting Tween animation to Sprite in Phaser 3.60


when I updated Phaser version from 3.55 to 3.60, then I faced a problem that setFixedRotation not working.

I am trying to animate some matter physics sprite object using tween.

However, when I updated Phaser version from 3.55 to 3.60, using setFixedRotation() on that object had no effect.

Is there a way to enable tweened animation on objects without rotating them in Phaser 3.60?

Here is my code for Phaser 3.60.

Objects can be manipulated with cursor keys.

Colliding with a Tween object will rotate it.

See the Pen Test for setFixedRotation with Tweens by furuTra (@furuTra) on CodePen.

And here is the code for Phaser 3.55.

Objects do not rotate when they collide with each other.

See the Pen Test for setFixedRotation with Tweens (Phaser v3.55.2) by furuTra (@furuTra) on CodePen.


Is this a bug in 3.60?