.setInteractive() on lastchild of dropdown menu

Hey guys, I’ve implemented the rex ui drop down with slight modifications into a phaser scene. Is it possible to assign click functions to the individual children (specifically lastchild), without activating prior functions assigned to the parents of said children.

var items = [
name: 'Kolding',
children: [
name: 'Se kommende begivenheder',
name: 'CoVid-19',
children: [
name: 'Aktuelle retningslinjer',
name: 'Forældede retningslinjer',
children: [
{ name: '1. Oktober' },
{ name: '1. September' },
{ name: '1. August'}
name: 'Opret Begivenhed',

var scene = this,
menu = undefined;
this.print = this.add.text(0, 0, '');
this.school.on('pointerdown', function (pointer) {
items[0].name = 'Kolding';
if (menu === undefined) {
menu = createMenu(scene, pointer.x, pointer.y, items, (button)=> {
scene.print.text += 'Click ' + button.text + '\n';
} else if (!menu.isInTouching(pointer)) {
menu = undefined;
scene.print.text = '';
}, this);

Probably. By default only the top-most game object receives a click.