Hi !
Is there a way to skew a bitmapText ?
I don’t think so.
Ok, thanks
And a text element ?
No skew there either.
I’ve resolved my issue by creating an base64 image from HTML Dom ( with domtoimage ) and integrate to phaser as quad image with rexplugin so I can create skew manualy with controlPoints.
.then(function (dataUrl) {
scene.textures.addBase64('texture', dataUrl);
scene.add.rexQuadImage(x, y, 'texture');
You could maybe draw to a render texture and then add a mesh game object with that texture.
Hi @samme !
thanks for your answers,
Ok for draw in a render texture :
var text = scene.add.text(0, 0, 'My text').setFontSize(148);
var rt = this.add.renderTexture(1410, 1000, 400, 400);
rt.draw(text, 0, 0);
but I can’t find how to apply a render texture in a mesh game object
Can you help me ?
Perfect !