I’m basically looking to create something a bit like paint where you can draw on a canvas by dragging different tools across it
Having not used Phaser before I’m just playing around to see what works, at the moment I have an [x][y] grid of points and a ‘box’ (unloaded sprite) which I can drag around. As the box moves over the grid I mark the points at [x][y] and a reference to the point is pushed to another array for rendering in another colour
// Create Snippet
this.input.on('drag', function (pointer, gameObject, dragX, dragY) {
gameObject.x = dragX;
gameObject.y = dragY;
points[dragX][dragY].touched = true; // Each point has a touched state and a Geom.Point
//Update snippet
while (changedPoints.length)
graphics.fillPointShape(changedPoints.pop().point, 4);
And this looks to work, I can drag the box and the points change colour
However if I try and drag the box quickly callbacks are missed and I get ‘gaps’ in my line, as shown below I’ve tried to draw a square (starting top left and moving to the right), as I speed up the line gets more and more broken
The examples load in an image but don’t draw it onto the texture until mouse down. I’m just using a circle at the moment as my brush
I can’t figure out how to initialise it during create but not ‘add’ it to the scene - currently I always have a circle at 10,10 - I’ve tried not specifiying coordinates but then nothing seems to draw
Code snippet below:
function create() {
var rt = this.add.renderTexture(0, 0, 800, 600);
// What kind of circle is this, possible to init but not add to scene?
var point = this.add.circle(10,10, 4, 0x6666ff)
this.input.on('pointermove', function (pointer) {
if (pointer.isDown) {
var points = pointer.getInterpolatedPosition(60);
points.forEach(function (p) {
rt.draw(point, p.x, p.y);
}, this);
I did try negative x,y but it didn’t feel like that was right way to do it, but hey, if it works it works
So I take it you can’t initialise a game object without placing it into the scene? The API says the x,y coordinates are optional but I cant see any explanation on how it expects optional params
I tried var point = new Phaser.Geom.Circle({radius: 5}) but no luck, even var point = new Phaser.Geom.Circle(10,10,5) doesn’t do anything
I guess the circle created by add.circle is a different kind of circle?
I’ll do some digging around in the docs/examples a bit more and and see if I can better understand what’s happening behind the scenes
The set visible works great, spent a little more time this morning and added the drag back in
I’ll have a look at smoothing out the strokes next as they’re a little jaggy right now!
The examples use an image rather than circles so that may be a good starting point
Then I’m going to calculate an angle of rotation as the tool moves so multiple lines don’t overlap on diagonal/horizontal dragging, allowing you to make a complete circle
Again thanks for the help, feel free to close this thread