[SOLVED] Custom Event emitter communication across Scenes

Hi, I have a HUDScene and a LEVEL_1Scene. In a SceneController extends Phaser.Scene, i have a create() function which does this:


I also have a controller.js class with constants for event emission. If i launch the HUDScene first, then start the LEVEL_1Scene, level1 event.emit isnt received by the HUD. However, if I start level 1 first, then lauch the HUD, everything works as planned.

Can anyone explain what is going on here? Or point me to an online explanation (other than Phaser 3 Docs and Notes, ive searched all over these sites, and havent found something like this addressed).

thanks in advance

I think we will need to see a bit more code in order to understand your problem.
What is your error, exactly? How do you pass the EventEmitter to your scenes? How do you emit/listen to events?

thanks for the reply telokis. i did a lot of actionscript 3 coding years ago, so i dont have a hard time with javascript, but i’m not really sure how event emitters work in phaser 3.

these are the first two lines in my create() function of each scene

emitter = new Phaser.Events.EventEmitter();

the emitter sends out info like this

emitter.emit(G.SCORE_UPDATED, 1);

and the listeners are something like this

emitter.on(G.SCORE_UPDATED, this.scoreUpdated, this);

event constants are in a seperate .js file.

if events are emitted by sceneA, and the listener is in sceneB, it’s a 50/50. sometimes they work, sometimes not so much.

so what i’m wondering first of all is, should i instantiate an emitter somewhere globally? would that be the proper way to go about it? or do i have to instantiate one in every scene?

okay, after flailing around with ES6, webpack, node, and singletons, i found out what my problem was.

the behavior was that sometimes events would be emitted by one scene and should have been received by another scene, at least thats what i thought. sometimes events were received, and sometimes not.

actually, all of my events werent being emitted by a scene at all, rather, sometimes i was trying to emit an event via a class object that didnt extend a scene.

once i put emitter references into the classes, they emit and receive just the way they should.

hope that helps someone else.

How did you add references into the classes?