SOLVED: Trying to create a Sprite from TileMap - frame of tileSetImage

I am trying to convert some tiles into sprites so I can manipulate them. I have successfully done this but the sprite takes the whole of the tileset image (‘GS’):

let tiles = this.getVisibleTiles(scene);
let ids = => a.index);
let s = scene.mapLayers['InteractionTiles'].createFromTiles(ids, null, { key: 'GS', frame:  17});
s.forEach(x => {
    x.alpha = .5;
    x.depth = 100;
tiles.forEach(t => {
    scene.mapLayers['InteractionTiles'].removeTileAt(t.x, t.y)
let tilesAfter = this.getVisibleTiles(scene);

Is there a way to get the image/frame from the tileset image or do I have to also create a sprite sheet from the same image?

Below are my attempts and what the result is:

let s = scene.mapLayers['InteractionTiles'].createFromTiles(ids, null, { key: 'ComponentSheet'});

This version selects the first frame:

let s = scene.mapLayers['InteractionTiles'].createFromTiles(ids);

this version cannot find the image:

I realise this is not a standard practice but I’ve solved it. createFromTiles runs through and creates a sprite for ALL instances of that tile. I am kidnapping the tiles from the map, creating a container with them in as sprites instead (complicated physics is why).

Here is rough utility that does what I want which is convert the tiles in this area to a collection of sprites and add them to a container so they can be used as a group.

let container = new Phaser.GameObjects.Container(scene, this.body.x, this.body.y);
                let s = Utils.TileAreaToSprites(tiles, { key: 'ComponentSheet' }, scene.mapLayers['InteractionTiles']);
                s.forEach((x, i) => {
                    //adjust origin and position to macth use case
                    x.x = 0;
                    x.y = i * 64;
                container.depth = 100;
static TileAreaToSprites(tiles, spriteConfig, layer) {
    if (spriteConfig === undefined) { spriteConfig = {}; }

    let tilemapLayer = layer;//.tilemapLayer;
    let scene = tilemapLayer.scene;
    let camera = scene.cameras.main;

    let sprites = [];
    let i;

    for (i = 0; i < tiles.length; i++) {
        var tile = tiles[i];

        if (tile.index !== -1) {
            spriteConfig.x = tilemapLayer.tileToWorldX(tile.x, camera, layer);
            spriteConfig.y = tilemapLayer.tileToWorldY(tile.y, camera, layer);
            if (tile.index != -1)
                spriteConfig.frame = tile.index -1;
                delete spriteConfig.frame;

            var sprite = scene.make.sprite(spriteConfig);

    return sprites;