Split image into tiles has border around each tile

Hello i wanted to split a big image into tiles using Texture Canvas
And it works but there is a strange outline to each box

can anyone tell me what cause this?
Here is the code im using

var scene = this.scene
        var tileWidth: number = 32
        var tileHeight: number = 32

        function splitTexture(originX: number, originY: number, textureKey: string): EditorGameObject[] {
            var textureImage = scene.textures.get(textureKey).getSourceImage()
            var numColsToCut = textureImage.width / tileWidth
            var numRowsToCut = textureImage.height / tileHeight

            var resultImages: EditorGameObject[] = []

            for (var x = 0; x < numColsToCut; ++x) {
                for (var y = 0; y < numRowsToCut; ++y) {
                    var newTextureKey = textureKey + '_' + x + '_' + y
                    var texture = scene.textures.createCanvas(newTextureKey, tileWidth, tileHeight)
                    console.log(-(x * tileWidth), -(y * tileHeight))
                    texture.draw(-(x * tileWidth), -(y * tileHeight), textureImage)

                    resultImages.push(new Phaser.GameObjects.Image(scene, originX + (x * tileWidth), originY + (y * tileHeight), newTextureKey))

            return resultImages
for (let image of resultImages) {

roundPixels may help.