Stop Animation, return to sprite origin created frame

Got a problem with animation.

I suck all animations from json:

this.load.animation(‘animations’, ‘src/assets/sprite-sheets/multipack/animations.json’);
I create sprite and setTexture form multiatlas:
star.setTexture(“multiatlas”, “black_Star”);

and it works great.
then I want to play animation on it.
Got many stars frames diff colours and so on.
so I write:"yellow_star_anim);

It works, I got my animation playing <3
Problem starts here:
Right now I need to go back to my origin texture “black_Star”.
I tried:

but in console.log I got a message that frame is missing.

I need to play an animation, stop it and return to origin created sprite texture frame.

If you switched textures then I assume you need to do setTexture(…) again.