continuing my triage with physics with matter. i also tried tiled to quickly make a map.
the custom collision that set from tiled are working as expected. but when the collision item have rotation modification, the rotation aren’t loaded. is there any workaround to do this ?
thanks beforehand
custom collision (rectangle that rotated 45 degree :
Code i uses to load the tiled json map :
const map = this.make.tilemap({key: Asset.tileMap.key});
const tileSet = map.addTilesetImage('platformPack_tilesheet', Asset.tileSheet.key);
const platforms = map.createStaticLayer('Tile Layer 1', tileSet, 0, 0);
platforms.setDisplaySize(this.scale.width, this.scale.height);
platforms.setCollisionByExclusion([-1, 0]);;
the result