Tilemap layer collision

Hey. I make ground layer like that:

const groundLayer = groundMap.createLayer('ground', ground, 0, this.groundLevel);


But when i try to add collision group to this layer, i got a error. How i can add collision group to tilemap layer?


What’s the error? And see the tutorial:

I have read this, but still don’t know answer.
My task is : create balls who collides with ground, but not with each other. Ground is a tilemap layer. So my code is :

  const groundLayer = groundMap.createLayer('ground', ground, 0, this.groundLevel);
        groundLayer.setCollisionByExclusion(-1, true);
  player = this.matter.add.sprite(125, 140, 'player')
  circle = this.matter.add.sprite(140, 40, 'circle')

So i also need add collision group / collision category to tilemap ground, otherwise coins will fall through.

but tilemap doesn’t have method setCollisionGroup/setCollisionCategory.