I have several pictures in an array :
const imagesCarousel = [
The goal is to change the image every 3 seconds (for the first one), then 1 second for the following pictures, with a quick white screen transition.
In the create function, I draw the pictures with this code :
for (let i = 0; i < imagesCarousel.length; i++) {
carousel.push(this.add.image(0, 0, imagesCarousel[i]).setOrigin(0, 0));
carousel[i].alpha = 0;
carousel[0].alpha = 1;
I use the carouselTimer event that calls the CustomTransition.Carousel function :
carouselTimer = this.time.addEvent({ delay: 1000, callback: CustomTransition.Carousel, args: [carousel, 3000, 1000], callbackScope: this, loop: true });
static Carousel(arr, firstDelay, secondDelay) { // Fonction faisant remplacer des images successivements. Arr contient les objets, firstDelay la durée de la première image et secondDelay la durée des images suivantes
let carouselNext = carouselActive + 1;
let whiteScreen = this.add.graphics(); // Variable de dessin d'un rectangle blanc de transition
if (carouselNext == arr.length) { // Définition de la prochaine image à afficher
carouselNext = 0;
if (carouselActive == 0) { // Définition du délai (1er écran plus long)
carouselTimer.delay = firstDelay;
} else {
carouselTimer.delay = secondDelay;
if (carouselActive == 1) { // Transition vers un écran blanc après la 1ère image
var whiteRectangle = whiteScreen.fillRect(0, 0, 300, 300);
whiteRectangle.alpha = 0;
CustomTransition.FilledScreen(whiteRectangle, false, 250);
arr[carouselActive].setDepth(1); // Gestion de la superposition des 2 images (active et prochaine) avec transition
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (i == carouselActive || i == carouselNext) {
arr[i].alpha = 1;
} else {
arr[i].alpha = 0;
if (carouselActive == 1) { // Suppression de la transition vers un écran blanc après la 1ère image
CustomTransition.FilledScreen(whiteRectangle, true, 250);
carouselActive = carouselNext;
static FilledScreen(item, reverse, transitionDuration) { // Fonction qui crée une transition linéaire de durée transitionDuration (transparent -> opaque si reverse = false ; opaque -> transparent si reverse = true)
let startAlpha;
let endAlpha;
if (reverse) { // Disparition d'un écran
startAlpha = 1;
endAlpha = 0;
else { // Apparition d'un écran
startAlpha = 0;
endAlpha = 1;
targets: item,
ease: 'Linear',
duration: transitionDuration,
repeat: 0,
delay: 0,
alpha: {
getStart: () => startAlpha,
getEnd: () => endAlpha
In FilledScreen, I use a tween to make a white screen with opacity from 0 to 1, then from 1 to 0.
I would like that function makes those 3 tasks in the following order :
- Tween from transparent to white screen
- Change the picture
- Tween from white screen to transparent
Unfortunately, my 2 tweens are following each other, and the second tween. My code doesn’t wait the end of the first tween.
How to wait that the first tween finishes ?
Thank you for your help