Hello guys,
I have upgraded Phaser into v3.60 and now I run into an issue. I had a script working fine with TweenManager.createTimeline() but now it is depreciated to be replaced with chain(). I struggle into updating this code :
let timeline = this.tweens.createTimeline({
callbackScope: this,
onComplete: function() {
// When all the animations are done, we delete all the gems
for(let m = 0; m < this.matchedGems.length; m++) {
for(let g = 0; g < this.matchedGems[m].length; g++) {
let gem = this.matchedGems[m][g];
this.gameArray[gem.x][gem.y].isEmpty = true;
this.gameArray[gem.x][gem.y].gem = null;
this.matchedGems = [];
// After all the matched gems are gone, we make all the gems already in the field fall then replenish the field where there is hole.
for(let m = 0; m < this.matchedGems.length; m++) {
// We create a new array populated with only the sprites of the gems to animate it.
sprites = this.matchedGems[m].map((gem) => gem.sprite);
targets: sprites,
alpha: 0.1,
duration: this.destroySpeed,
callbackScope: this,
Can someone help me with this ?
The core idea of this script is :
- create a timeline with an onComplete function (code that has to be run only when the timeline has finished playing)
- there is a variable amount of tweens to generate, each with a variable number of sprites.
- add these variable number of tweens to the timeline.
Thank you for your help