Unable to move sprite around board when mouse clicked

        function preload() {
            this.load.image('scene', 'assets/LH.png');
            this.load.spritesheet('woman', 'assets/woman.png', { frameWidth: 39, frameHeight: 38 });
            this.load.spritesheet('diceButton1', 'assets/diceButton1.png', { frameWidth: 72, frameHeight: 20 });
            this.load.spritesheet('movePlayer1', 'assets/movePlayer1.png', { frameWidth: 90, frameHeight: 30 });

        function create() {
            this.add.image(0, 0, 'scene').setOrigin(0, 0);
            var woman = this.physics.add.sprite(1095, 430, 'woman').setInteractive();
            var diceButton1 = this.add.sprite(350, 450, 'diceButton1').setInteractive();
            var movePlayer1 = this.add.sprite(350, 550, 'movePlayer1').setInteractive();
            diceButton1.on('pointerup', function() {                                        
                var dice1 = Math.floor(Math.random() *6) + 1;
                var dice2 = Math.floor(Math.random() *6) + 1;
                var dice3 = dice1 + dice2;
                var diceText = this.add.text(320,470, 'Dice 1 ' + dice1 + 'Dice 2' + dice2, { fontSize: '16px', fill: '#000' });                    
            }, this);

            //Move player1 around the board
            var player1 = {name: "", position: 0, money: 10000000, cycle:0};
            player1.position += dice3;
            if (player1.position > 40) {
                player1.position = player1.position - 41
                player1PixelPosition = [
                        [1095,430],[1045,410],[995,395], [945,385], [895,380],
                        [840,380], [785,390], [735,395], [680,395], [625,420],
                        [570,415], [520,410], [465,415], [415,415], [360,415],
                        [300,420], [250,420], [150,335], [150,280], [250,180],
                        [300,185], [350,165], [400,165], [440,165], [440,130],
                        [550,45],  [610,50], [660,30],  [710,30],  [765,30],
                        [815,30],  [875,30],  [925,30],  [980,30],  [1060,70],
            movePlayer1.on('pointerup', function() {                                        
                    targets: woman,
                    x: player1PixelPosition[player1.position][0],
                    y: player1PixelPosition[player1.position][1][0],
                    duration: 1000
            }, this);                

Should be player1PixelPosition[player1.position][1]?

Hi Samme,
that was an incomplete edit before posting. [player1.PixelPosition[1] is what I had that did not work. If I take out these lines of code
player1.position += dice3;
if (player1.position > 40) {
player1.position = player1.position - 41

and I also replace the x and y coordinates with
x: 500,
y: 300,
The sprite moves when clicked

Unfortunately I’m still unable to solve the problem of moving the sprite with the click of a mouse

What’s the complete code now?

TheStreetHustler body { margin: 0; }

Open the browser console and look for errors.


I moved the entire move player code into the dicebutton.on function and it fixed the problem. Thanks
diceButton1.on(‘pointerup’, function() {

                var dice1 = Math.floor(Math.random() *6) + 1;
                var dice2 = Math.floor(Math.random() *6) + 1;
                var dice3 = dice1 + dice2;
                var diceText = this.add.text(320,470, 'Dice 1 ' + dice1 + 'Dice 2' + dice2, { fontSize: '16px', fill: '#000' });
                                    //Move player1 around the board
                var player1 = {name: "", position: 0, money: 10000000, cycle:0};
                player1.position += dice3;
                if (player1.position > 40) {
                    player1.position = player1.position - 41
                    player1PixelPosition = [
                            [1095,430],[1045,410],[995,395], [945,385], [895,380],
                            [840,380], [785,390], [735,395], [680,395], [625,420],
                            [570,415], [520,410], [465,415], [415,415], [360,415],
                            [300,420], [250,420], [150,335], [150,280], [250,180],
                            [300,185], [350,165], [400,165], [440,165], [440,130],
                            [550,45],  [610,50], [660,30],  [710,30],  [765,30],
                            [815,30],  [875,30],  [925,30],  [980,30],  [1060,70],
                movePlayer1.on('pointerup', function() {                                        
                        targets: woman,
                        x: player1PixelPosition[player1.position][0],
                        y: player1PixelPosition[player1.position][1],
                        duration: 1000
                }, this);
            }, this);
