Using common methods across scenes but still main "this.scene"

I have this repeated method to call an event to update keys and hearts on top of the screen …

Every scenes have this updateInventory() method repeated in gameScene, room1, room2, room3 when either keys or hearts changes…

Q: How do I have a common method shared across scenes but stil able to use this.scene.get

I tried a global function updateInventory() { … } but the this.scene.get is not working anymore…

Code here :

Common method that calls showInventory scene…

    updateInventory() {
      // Emit events showInventory
      this.inventory = {}
      this.inventory.heart = window.heart
      this.inventory.key = window.key

      console.log('Emit event', this.inventory)
      this.invEvent = (event, data) => this.scene.get('showInventory').events.emit(event, data);
      this.invEvent("inventory", this.inventory);

Using call():

function updateInventory() {
  this.scene.get(); // etc.

class gameScene extends Phaser.Scene {
  // …
  create() {;

With addEvent() you pass callbackScope instead:

function updateInventory() {
  this.scene.get(); // etc.

class gameScene extends Phaser.Scene {
  // …
  create() {
      // …
      callback: updateInventory,
      callbackScope: this,
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Thanks a lot, really appreciate it…

I have been repeating the same function over and over again in all the scenes…

Are they any drawbackls of using global functions ???