Using Cordova (PhoneGap) with Phaser Image Not Appearing in iOS but Appears in Browser


I am new to Phaser and I am using Phaser 3 inside Cordova.

When I run: cordova run browser
Everything works properly and I can see the actual image loaded and displayed.

However when I run: cordova run ios
Instead of the actual image I see a placeholder (you know the green square outline) instead of the actual image.

The code I use is very simple:

class playGame extends Phaser.Scene{
    constructor() {

        this.add.image(0, 0, "emptytile");        

I have of course remembered to load it via:
this.load.image("emptytile", "assets/sprites/emptytile.png");

What is the reason for the image not showing in the iOS version when it works okay in the browser version???
How to solve?