Using Webfonts


I have been reading various examples online, but I am having difficulty understanding how I use a web font in a scene. For example, my scene class looks as below, but the font just seems to display as default “times-new-roman”. Can someone advise on the simplest way to do this?

var StartScreen = new Phaser.Class({
    Extends: Phaser.Scene,
    function StartScreen() {, { key: 'StartScreen' })

    preload: function ()
        this.load.script('webfont', '');

    create: function ()

            google: {
                families: [ 'Freckle Face', 'Finger Paint', 'Nosifer' ]
        this.add.text(260, 440, 'Hello World!', { fontFamily: 'Finger Paint', fontSize: 20, color: '#ffffff' });


Look at the Custom Webfont example. You cannot use a webfont until it has loaded.

@Telinc1 Many thanks, that explained it to me, got it working now.

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