Very strange bug with frames


When i use this spreadsheet 110 by 110 px for each frame :

    this.load.spritesheet("do", "img/do.png", { frameWidth: 110, frameHeight: 110, endFrame: 6 })


The result is that the frame 6 is invisible, however in my png the frame 6 exist, it’s the X ??!!.

i made a codepen about that and i reproduce this (you must scroll down to see the result on the preview) :

Is it a known bug ?

Thanks for your support.

You’re using frames 0 through 5, so I think you want { endFrame: 5 }.

I don’t understand…
what i want to see, it’s my 6 case
So normally its the case number 6 so i must put endframe : 6 to see this.
I have edited my codepen with endframe : 5 and i see my first case.
Try to see the case number 6 with the X in my codepen,
you will not succeed.
By me, it’s a bug…?

Sorry, I misunderstood.

At 110 × 110 the image should be 770 wide, but it’s 769.

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Wonderful i never find it myself