What does "this" refer to in create()?

Hi everyone. First time posting here. I’ve worked in Phaser 2 before and I’m just now getting into Phaser 3.

I’ve been searching around and I’m finding conflicting information about the context of “this” in create, update and preload functions. I had been under the impression that “this” referred to the Scene, but after I’d been working on my game for a bit I realized that “this” was referring to the Game. For instance, I couldn’t call this.restart(). I’d have to call this.scene.restart().

If I do:

var config = {
type: Phaser.AUTO,
width: 800,
height: 600,
parent: ‘test’,
scene: {
preload: preload,
create: create,
update: update
var game = new Phaser.Game(config);
function preload (){}
function create ()
function update (){}

Here “this” is referring to the game. Does this seem right?

It’s the scene.

this.scene is the scene’s scene plugin, i.e. the scene’s own interface to the scene manager.

The game also has a scene property, but that’s the scene manager itself.

Phaser Chains can explain some of this.

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Ok, that makes sense. So “this” is the scene and this.scene really refers back to the scene manager. But why isn’t restart() listed as a method on SceneManager?

No, this.scene is ScenePlugin and this.scene.manager is SceneManager. Only ScenePlugin belongs to one scene, so restart() only makes sense there.

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i assume it will be the scene in this case. i think they have phD’s in javascript this (and a bit o’ that) but once you get to it - its usually the last reference or passed object , if you were to onclick or mouseover a button and from there pass (this) to function then inside the function you can address all the properties (if thats what its called im not a pro) the object has

//game.js goes in separate file as do some global (im not into 'good practice' since im the only one reading and modding it so ...)

class SceneTOP extends Phaser.Scene {


        this.canvas = this.sys.game.canvas; //here this refers to the scene

    var thismenu = {

        fontsize: '16px',
        fontFamily: 'tahoma',
        color: '#ffffff',
        padding: 10,
        backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,128,0.9)'

//    this.tyrdate = this.add.text(0,0,window.tyrdate);

    this.tyrdate = this.add.dom(0,0,'tyrdate',null,window.tyrdate).setOrigin(0,0); // it says 'optional' but i probably missing something @'tyrdate'

//    this.loading = this.add.text(200,100,"this.loading txt can alter, mind"); // not needed anymore i guess
    this.infotext = this.add.text(20,600, "mouse over ,touch, tag or click stuff", infopanelstyle); //<-- here this refers to the scene "add text to scene"

    this.menuBTN1 = this.add.sprite(wu,20,'btn_account').setOrigin(0,0).setFrame(0).setInteractive({ pixelPerfect: true }).setDisplaySize(wu*20,wu*10)
    this.menu_oo = this.add.sprite(0,0,'btn_menu_outline_over').setOrigin(0,0).setVisible(0).setDisplaySize(wu*20,wu*10); //<-- just doodles since i have three frames per btn already , wu and wh are global referring to "window unit, relative to window size etc. etc .. in general someone like samme knows a lot more about where the mustard comes from tho ... i just couldnt resist)
    this.menu_od = this.add.sprite(0,0,'btn_menu_outline_down').setOrigin(0,0).setVisible(0).setDisplaySize(wu*20,wu*10);

    this.menuBTN1.infotext = "account info / secure settings";   
    this.menuBTN1.on('pointerover', this.mouseoverbutton); <--- pass the button to function attached to scene
    this.menuBTN1.on('pointerout', this.mouseoutbutton);

    this.menuBTN1.on('pointerdown', function(event){

        this.menu_od.x = this.menuBTN1.x;
        this.menu_od.y = this.menuBTN1.y;

        if(this.registry.values.currentscene == "loginGame"){

            //there was steemit stuff here

        this.scene.stop(this.registry.values.currentscene); <------- calling scene from button


            $("#scenevar1" ).val(4);
            $( "#fieldformdiv" ).html( "<img src=/media/UI/loading.gif >" );
            this.scene.start("fasterthanclearing"); <-if this were the button it would probably need this.scene.scene.start(...

    }, this); <-- passing the scene



//and then some stuff


    this.setFrame(1);  <------------------ this refers to the button
    this.scene.menu_oo.x = this.x;
    this.scene.menu_oo.y = this.y;
//which was textobject before
//    this.scaleX = 1.1;
//    this.setStyle({color: '#00ff00', backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,128,0.5)'});
//    this.setPadding({ y: 10, left: 10, right : 5});
    this.scene.oldskoolfunkystack = this.scene.infotext.text;
    this.scene.infotext.visible = true;
    this.scene.infotext.text = this.infotext;



its possible that this makes scholars cry but i just go with what works … if any pro-dev wants to add or correct something thats not about formatting or team-practice i am always willing to learn :slight_smile:

wow … its so hard not to answer sometimes …