Hehe thanks. That’s not the main problem I had. The main problem was the different declarations of functions.
- function preload ()
{} - preload: function ()
{} - preload ()
But the others already had some interesting links about that.
Hehe thanks. That’s not the main problem I had. The main problem was the different declarations of functions.
But the others already had some interesting links about that.
owh ok … i thought i read something about ‘this’ sorry if i misunderstood
You did read that correctly.
But I don’t think it was my major problem.
Just a thing to confuse me some more, because there are also different possibilities
lol indeed, i used to have internal tantrums on the fact that they use aliases and such in languages like php, as if there’s not enough already that you would need two keywords that do exactly the same or that you would have an alias for an internal function (which actually has more overhead) just to please people who are used to programming C … but i gave up on that. I think it’s all personal and i came to terms that most modern stuff isn’t build for performance. It’s built for read- and maintainability b/c in larger projects you just have to make sure the guy that comes in (or girl) after you’re sacked b/c “economy” can read it and they dont teach reading in school (lmao), only productivity - but that’s all off-topic. the strictly typed-sect is not my domain anyway i prefer things that are not the nanny state, all personal - but well. Its not facebook here so lets can this heheh. (its friendlier than stackoverlords though imo … about a lightmile or two …)