Animating A Sprite Sheet

I have a 48x16 pixel sprite sheet. Each with 16x16 frames. I want to change these frames and create an animation by going through these 3 frames each lasting a different amount of time.

Here are important bits of my code:

function preload() {
  this.load.spritesheet('player', 'assets/player-sheet.png', {frameWidth: 16, frameHeight: 16});

function create() {
  let player = [];
  player.x = 400;
  player.y = 300;
  player.sprite = this.physics.add.sprite(player.x, player.y, 'player', 0);
  player.sprite.smoothed = false;

Thank You In Advance!

// create()

  key: "playerAnimation",
  defaultTextureKey: "player",
  duration: 1, // 1 ms, close enough to 0
  frames: [
    { frame: 0, duration: 100 },
    { frame: 1, duration: 150 },
    { frame: 2, duration: 200 }

thanks that works