Animating individual characters in bitmap text

Hi, as specified in title I’ve been trying to animate individual characters in bitmap text. I would like to use tweens to scale, rotate etc. I was able to access glyphs and animate them but quickly realized that it acutally changes the source font and such all of that character type used in the text at once. I kept looking and found some examples where you can listen to updates and modifiy properties of each character. This is an example of making characters rotate: Phaser 3
Its very close to what I need BUT I can’t figure out how to change the pivot/center to spin/scale etc around. Anyone know if there is some way to change this?

Thanks for any help

I don’t think the character origin is modifiable.

Hi Samme,

Yeah, I was afraid that was the case. I wonder if there’s any way to reach the individual characters somehow, they must be stored somewhere right? Maybe just make a hack that changes them directly.

Anyway, thanks fo taking time to answer.


I think you would have to override the rendering functions.

Another way would be to make a Render Texture for each character.