Bug with Bitmap Text

Hello, in my game I have a bitmap text gameobject that is a child of multiple containers and moves up and down vertically.

On rare occasions, part of the text will turn into the first image of my texture atlas. The text will then revert back once the group has been moved.

Attached is a screenshot of the bugged text. The text was supposed to read, “was in hot water”

This is using Phaser 3.15.

Has this happened to any of you guys and if so, what did you do to work around it?

I would suggest trying this against the master branch (3.16 Beta 4) as there is a fix in there which I’m 99% sure is causing this.

Thank you for the reply! I just updated to 3.16 beta and I’ll be sure to post back on this thread if it doesn’t work.

Update 1/16: Upgrading to 3.16 does fix the issue.

Awesome, thought so. 3.16 should be out by the end of the month.

I am still experiencing this bug in 3.60