[3.11] Line glitch with tilemaps

Hey guys,

I have an issue with my tilemap. I did it quickly with Tiled and sometimes, when my camera moves, I have a strange glitch that appears out of nowhere:

I have had this glitch on multiple computers and my friends have reported it as well.

Is happens on both of my maps even though they use very different tilesets:

Here is a part of the code:

I am using WebGL and it only shows when the camera moves OR when I resize the window. (Which resizes the canvas without scaling anything.)
It’s possible that the glitch stays after moving and I’ve had this glitch since the first time I used Phaser 3 in my game. (Around march 2018, I’d say)

Do you have any idea regarding what I could do to solve this? I’m pretty sure the issue is related to the camera but I have no idea why.

Thanks in advance!

Sounds like a case of Tile Extrusion. Take a look at this CLI app that gives an explanation as to what the problem is, and gives a way to fix it - https://github.com/sporadic-labs/tile-extruder#readme

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Yes, that was it. I extruded my tilesets and it worked like a charm. Thank you!